4/19/2021 10:57:17 AM Sports-washing and global sponsorship - the next arena for challenging corporate pollution or moving the goalposts for sports organisations? By Samantha Bradley As another illustration of the reach of ESG and its importance to all businesses in all sectors, a recent study has made the news for...
7/7/2020 2:12:39 PM What do the experts say about kids returning to team sports this fall? By Ben Gipson The answer is, as is the case with everything surrounding COVID-19, that it's complicated. Indoor sports like basketball will be riskier...
7/2/2020 12:00:00 AM Will fans come back to live sports events? The answer appears to be yes By Ben Gipson One key question facing all sports franchises is even if fans can come back to stadiums, will they? At least in Texas, the answer...
7/2/2020 12:00:00 AM Will high profile players return? By Ben Gipson As the US starts to see sports coming back, a trend has been high profile players choosing not to participate in the "bubble" tournaments...
6/11/2020 8:07:42 AM Can youth sports reopen in the the COVID-19 world? By Ben Gipson As more professional sports organizations are moving to reopen, it remains tough to see the impact on COVID-19 on youth sports. Recent...
4/20/2020 5:13:35 PM Everything has been cancelled! Wait, no, not everything... By Yue Lin Lee Singapore is currently on Day 14 of the Circuit Breaker which was declared by the government on 7 April 2020 (and yours truly is...