6/29/2020 12:00:00 AM The Netherlands – Remote Gambling Decree: the journey continues By Richard Van Schaik On Thursday 18 June 2020, the Dutch House of Representatives discussed the Remote Gambling Decree (one of the two major pieces of...
6/24/2020 6:46:20 PM Sports continue to show the challenges created in bringing talent back during the COVID-19 pandemic By Ben Gipson As more businesses are returning to work, including remote work forces involving very particular talent, organizations are beginning to...
6/22/2020 12:00:00 AM Patch notes: Esports as sport | Insights | DLA Piper Global Law Firm By Giulio Coraggio
6/19/2020 12:00:00 AM Igniting the fire of esports regulatory reform By Tom Fitzpatrick Riot Games' new first-person shooter, VALORANT (released 2 June 2020), has already made long strides in the esports sector, positioning...
6/18/2020 3:48:09 PM Impact of COVID-19 on the sports sector – Update webinar By Chris Morris On 30 April 2020, we held our second international, cross-practice webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on the global sports sector. In this...
6/18/2020 12:00:00 AM Update 2.0 to the Digital Services Act - Farewell to the "Notice-and-takedown" procedure? By Nico Brunotte The European Commission is working on a Digital Services Act, which is intended to reform the liability and security rules for platforms...
6/17/2020 10:19:17 AM Giving the players their fix By Duncan Calow When many would have had their eyes on the sneak peaks released by Sony of their eagerly awaited PlayStation 5, another games titan was...
6/11/2020 8:07:42 AM Can youth sports reopen in the the COVID-19 world? By Ben Gipson As more professional sports organizations are moving to reopen, it remains tough to see the impact on COVID-19 on youth sports. Recent...
6/9/2020 12:00:00 AM Patch notes: Influencers and esports | Insights | DLA Piper Global Law Firm By Duncan Calow
6/8/2020 8:21:40 AM Looking for leadership By Mark Franklin Over past week we have seen may different styles of leadership and expressions of support. From footballers in Europe taking a knee or...
6/8/2020 8:18:48 AM Patch notes: Guide to esports state of play in 2020 – The rules of the game By Samantha Bradley Duncan Calow The esports industry has continued emphatically on its international growth trajectory, but the nascent regulatory landscape makes it...
6/5/2020 6:44:39 PM Real change starts with leadership By Tomasita Sherer Heartened to see so many leaders of industry, including notably in the media and sport space, taking a stand for justice and equality....
6/5/2020 3:15:55 PM Chelsea's move for Timo Werner shows that the transfer market still alive for some clubs By Ben Gipson There has been much discussion on how COVID-19 would impact the international transfer market, and it certainly seemed to lead Liverpool...
6/5/2020 9:17:32 AM The (almost) final countdown - use of countdown timers by online retailers By Samantha Bradley The ASA has reinforced its position on the use of countdown timers (often deployed to give consumers the impression that a promotional...
6/4/2020 10:25:45 AM Update on the Digital Services Act - European Commission plans stricter regulations for platform operators By Nico Brunotte The European Commission has announced that it is working on a Digital Services Act to redesign liability and security rules for platforms...
6/1/2020 4:02:33 PM The Playlist: DLA Piper’s music law updates By Sam Churney #1: Stop! In the Name of Copyright! - Instagram’s new guidelines and features to protect against music copyright infringement As the...