9/18/2024 2:15:17 AM ANZ Food Law Updates By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Hazel Pang Proposed Changes to the Definition of "Genetically-Modified" under the FSANZ Code (Proposal P1055) Food Standards Australia New Zealand...
12/20/2023 10:19:52 PM #Health: Influencer Marketing of Therapeutic Goods in Australia By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Nicholas Tyacke Greg Bodulovic Alexandra de Zwart Jordan Davis +3 more... Show less The influencer market is booming: in 2022, the influencer industry reached USD16.4 billion, with this figure predicted to climb to over...
11/23/2023 8:51:11 AM Influencer Marketing Best Practice in Australia - the AiMCO Code of Practice By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Olivia Newbold As we set out in our previous post, the AANA Code of Ethics is clear that advertising material should be clearly distinguishable as such,...
11/13/2023 9:45:56 AM Kidfluencers & The New Children’s Advertising Code By Sophie Edgerton Jessie Buchan Hazel Pang We introduced the AANA in a previous blog post as the leading industry and self-regulatory body for advertisers and marketers in...
11/13/2023 4:02:01 AM Consumer Bites: Episode 1 – Greenwashing By Jessie Buchan In the first vlog of the 'Consumer Bites' series, join Jessie Buchan who will provide an update on the regulatory landscape for...
11/13/2023 2:04:56 AM Welcome to Consumer Bites By Jessie Buchan Jyoti Singh Welcome to 'Consumer Bites', a video podcast series produced by the Australian Consumer Goods, Food & Retail Sector team, co-led by...
10/31/2023 9:43:23 AM Customs Powers in Trademark Enforcement in Asia Pacific By Liam Blackford Elizabeth Wong Jessie Buchan Edward Chatterton +1 more... Show less In IP enforcement and anti-counterfeiting efforts, one of the most powerful tools in a brand owner’s arsenal is harnessing the powers of...
10/24/2023 7:20:32 AM Influencer Marketing According to AANA By Jessie Buchan Sophie Edgerton Olivia Newbold Following on from our introductory post last week, this week we’ll take a closer look at influencer marketing in the context of the...