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EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT 2023: Pathways to growth

On Tuesday, 7 November, the sixth edition of our European Tech Summit, will be held at The Convention Centre Dublin, located in the heart of the city’s cluster of high-growth tech companies. 

Our programme will cover key issues impacting companies in the context of emerging technology, innovation and the pursuit of growth. AI, digital transformation, cyber security, tech M&A and investment trends will all feature prominently on the agenda.

Esteemed business leaders from the European tech industry and beyond, along with key figures shaping the regulatory and financial landscape, will gather to explore the major issues affecting the marketplace and the impact of emerging technologies over the next decade.

This event will attract attendees from across Europe’s technology, media and telecommunications industries, as well as financial services, retail, manufacturing and other industries looking to grasp opportunities and manage risks arising from digital transformation. Private equity and venture capital organisations, entrepreneurs, investors from digital start-ups, and local and regional regulators will also find this event of great interest.

View the full programme and register now: DLA Piper European Technology Summit - Pathways to growth | Tuesday, 7 November 2023 (


tech, media, ai, eu regulation, europe, uk, events