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Important Update: Changes to Our Blog Platform

Dear Subscribers,

We hope this message finds you well. 

We are writing to inform you about an important update regarding our MSE Today blog. In our continuous effort to improve your subscription experience and align with our company’s standards, we will be transitioning MSE Today to a new platform.

What Does This Mean for You?

  • New Platform: MSE Today can still be found at the same address which will redirect to the newer (under construction at present) and will be hosted on a new platform. It will look a little different, however posts will still be presented on the main blog page in a similar way. 
  • Updates Delivery: Updates will be delivered differently. To ensure you continue to receive blog notifications, please subscribe to your topic preferences which ensures you are captured in our core database.

What You Need to Do

  • Subscribe:  Use the link above to ensure your details and topic preferences are captured.
  • Stay Tuned: Keep an eye on your inbox for any further notifications on when this change will take place – we currently anticipate it to be the start of March. 

We appreciate your understanding and continued support. We are excited about this transition and look forward to bringing you even more valuable content in the future.

Thank you for being a loyal subscriber.


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