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European Gambling Regulation: Present and the Upcoming Future with AI

Francesco Rodano, Playtech Chief Policy Officer, will join us on 5th February 2024 from 3.30pm to provide the keynote speech at our event European Gambling Regulation: Present and the Upcoming Future with AI taking place at the DLA Piper London office at 160 Aldersgate St, London, EC1A 4HT.

In an era where technological advancements are transforming industries, the gambling sector is no exception. Our distinguished speaker, Francesco Rodano, will share insights into the latest developments, challenges, and strategies to ensure responsible gambling practices in the age of AI. 

Following that, our lawyers specializing in gambling laws across various European nations will share valuable viewpoints on the main topics affecting the gambling industry for 2024 in each respective jurisdiction. The forum aims to delve into crucial regulatory matters and offer insights into the primary challenges confronting the industry and in particular for UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands, Spain and a number of jurisdictions in Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Austria, Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic.

The intent of the panels is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted regulatory landscape and its implications for industry stakeholders. This gathering promises to be an insightful and collaborative opportunity for gambling industry leaders to connect, share perspectives, and explore the latest developments in the gaming and regulatory landscape. 

The panels will be followed by a drinks reception for further discussions and networking opportunities.

We hope you can join us - Register now!

Please note due to the competitive nature of law firms, we are unable to allow competitors of any sorts to attend any of our events.

Event details

Monday, 5 February 2024
3:30pm - 6:30pm GMT

DLA Piper
160 Aldersgate Street


gambling, europe, germany, netherlands, uk, events