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F1 Academy: Accelerating the Pace for Women in Motorsport

Since its launch in 2023, the F1 Academy (an all-female driver category aimed at developing and progressing young female talent to higher levels of competition) has made significant strides toward promoting gender equality in motorsport. DLA Piper’s MSE blog covered its early stages (linked here), and since then, with advancements such as large commercial partnerships (a recent blog on this linked here), increased visibility of female racing, introduction of grassroots programmes, and community engagement, the F1 Academy’s efforts are bearing fruit. In light of the recent announcement of an upcoming Netflix documentary which will spotlight the F1 Academy, this article revisits its impact, highlighting some significant advancements made in bringing gender equality to the forefront of motorsport. 

2024 has marked a year of global expansion and increased visibility for the F1 Academy racing series. With races spanning across seven countries and three continents, and live broadcasting secured in over 160 international territories, F1 Academy is taking steps to ensure that the excitement of women's motorsport reaches a wider, more diverse audience than ever before. Additionally, all ten Formula 1 teams have publicly shown support, with each team running an F1 Academy driver and car in their colours. This symbolises commitment to the development of women in racing and integrating them into top-tier motorsport.

In 2023, the F1 Academy piloted its "Discover Your Drive" initiative across six venues in the UK. This grassroots program aims to inspire and develop young, female racing talent, and encourage more women to embark on a career in motorsports. As part of the program, the F1 Academy has provided financial support to nine female racers in the Champions Of The Future Academy Program, an international karting series. Since the program’s launch, female participation at the British Indoor Karting Championship has increased by 265%, which highlights the program’s success. These efforts from the F1 Academy are crucial for making motorsport more inclusive, and providing more opportunities for women to succeed. 

Beyond the race track, the F1 Academy is actively engaging with communities and fans through outreach initiatives like organising sunset pilates on beaches in Miami prior to the Grand Prix. By creating spaces where like-minded women can connect, the F1 Academy is cultivating a more welcoming and diverse atmosphere, encouraging women from all walks of life to become involved in motorsport, whether as fans, participants, or professionals. The ripple effect of such community-centric events is significant, contributing to a broader cultural impact where the values of diversity and inclusion are celebrated both on and off the track.

In conclusion, the F1 Academy is playing a pivotal role in accelerating the pace for women in motorsport. By providing a structured pathway, comprehensive training, and increased visibility, the F1 Academy is breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive environment for female racers. As more women are empowered to pursue their passion for racing, the future of motorsport promises to be faster, stronger, and more diverse than ever before.


f1, motorsport, media, sport, women in sport