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Revival of the Romanian state aid scheme/cash rebate on production of audiovisual works

Revival of the Romanian state aid scheme/cash rebate on production of audiovisual works 

The Romanian state aid scheme (that is structured as a local cash rebate) aiming to support the production of audiovisual works in Romania has been recently revived by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. This good news comes after the state aid scheme was in a limbo for several years, due, among others, to no new calls, litigations in connection to past projects and the need to set-up legislative procedures for the transfer of the state aid scheme to the Ministry of Culture and the creation of the Film and Cultural Investments Office. 

A call for new projects has started over the summer, on July 25, the maximum annual budget of the state aid scheme that can be allocated through the signing of financing agreements being of LEI 273.6 million (approx. EUR 55 million). This revival comes with new rules such as, strict deadlines for registration and criteria for the project to be considered a cultural one. 

It is expected that the revival of this state aid scheme will also bring a revival of filmmaking in Romania.  


audiovisual, media, film & tv, film