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Women in Sport: In conversation with Lioness, Millie Bright

Fresh from her EURO 2022 win, professional footballer and England Lioness Millie Bright will join us on Thursday 1 December at 6pm for an evening of conversation about her career, her life in sport and the shape of the women's sports industry.

With a record-breaking 365 million people tuning in to watch Millie and the England squad's 2-1 win over Germany in front of a sold-out crowd at Wembley this summer, there has never been a better time to grow the women's game. Whilst the Lionesses' impressive win has been credited with a surge in the number of girls in the UK aspiring to reach elite sport levels, challenges still remain.

The EURO 2022 tournament also saw a 289 per cent rise in the value of the tournament's television rights compared to the last EUROs in 2017, highlighting the vast opportunities for businesses in the women's sports market.

Join us for our first in-person, DLA Piper Women in Sport event, to discuss these opportunities and what they mean for women in sport. There will be an opportunity for Q&A with Millie, followed by a networking drinks reception.

We hope you can join us - Register now!

Event details

Thursday, 1 December 2022
6pm - 9pm GMT

DLA Piper
160 Aldersgate Street


women in sport, sport, uk, media, advertising, tv, sponsorship