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Women in Sport: In conversation with Gabby Logan

British sporting presenter, icon and former gymnast, Gabby Logan, will join us on Wednesday 29 November from 5:30pm for an evening of conversation. With her vast experiences in covering both men’s and women’s major sporting events including the Rugby Six Nations, Football World Cup and Euros and Invictus Games, Gabby will discuss her career, her life in sport and the shape of the women’s sports industry.

As 2023 ends after another record-breaking year for women’s sports viewership, the Women’s World Cup becoming the most-attended women’s sporting event ever, there have never been more opportunities for businesses in the women’s sports market. Fresh from presenting at the FIFA Women’s World Cup this summer, Gabby is in a unique position to discuss the changes she’s seen and opportunities to come for women both playing and working in sports. Whilst large steps have been taken recently with regards to investment and the number of girls aspiring to reach elite sports levels, challenges still remain.

Join us for our annual in-person DLA Piper Women in Sport event to discuss these opportunities and what they mean for women’s sports. There will be an opportunity for Q&A with Gabby, followed by a networking drinks reception.

We hope you can join us - Register now!

Please note due to the competitive nature of law firms, we are unable to allow competitors of any sorts to attend any of our events.

Event details

Wednesday, 29 November 2023
5:30pm - 7:30pm GMT

DLA Piper
160 Aldersgate Street


women in sport, sport, uk, media, advertising, tv, europe, film & tv, events