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DLA Piper Sport Forum 2023 - Football’s new challenge: Combining sports and financial performance

Combining sport with financial performance was the hot topic at our Sport Forum, held at the San Siro stadium Milan last week. We welcomed more than 300 guests to the event, including Italian Minister for Sport, Andrea Abodi, and President of FIGC, Gabriele Gravina, and around 60 journalists from leading sports, financial press and television networks.

Panel events during the day, moderated by Dario Donato of Mediaset TGCOM24 and Carlo Festa of II Sole 24 Ore, explored the evolution of club management models, new forms of financing, operational turnaround, infrastructure, television rights, commercial partnerships and the balance between budgetary needs and sporting competitiveness, comparing presidents and CEOs of some of the leading Italian clubs, financial investors and companies investing in sport.

Many thanks to speakers Giuseppe Marotta (FC Inter), Giorgio Furlani (AC Milan), Luigi De Siervo (Lega Serie A), Claudio Lotito (S.S. Lazio), Urbano Cairo (Torino F.C.), Matteo Manfredi ACMA (U.C. Sampdoria), Giancarlo Viglione (FIGC legislative office), Andrea Radrizzani (Aser Group), Rosanna Volpe (Milanosport), Nicola Falcinelli (Caryle Group), Gianluca Garbi (Banca Sistema), Carlo Botto Poala (BMW Group), Augusto Capitanucci (Hublot). Thanks to our partners Francesco De Gennaro, Antonio Tomassini, Luciano Morello and Giovanni L. Ragnoni Bosco Lucarelli.

We thank our speakers, participants, and partners for their contributions to this event. 

Watch some key highlights in our video and look out for more details about our 2024 Sport Forum.


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