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LGBTQ+ History Month 2024 - An Iris x Pride Movie Night

DLA Piper and ITV are delighted to invite you to an event honouring LGBTQ+ History Month on Wednesday, 14 February 2024.

In collaboration with InterMedia, we will be screening a short LGBTQ+ film followed by a panel discussion with leading voices in the media and arts. With popcorn, sweets, pizza and drinks, we look forward to celebrating the incredible impact of queer media and art on our community and culture.

With more details to follow in due course, please do save the date by registering via the link below.

We hope you can join us - Register now!

DLA Piper’s Iris and ITV’s Pride

Please note due to the competitive nature of law firms, we are unable to allow competitors of any sorts to attend any of our events.

Event details

Wednesday, 14 February 2024
5:30pm - 9:30pm GMT

DLA Piper
160 Aldersgate Street


advertising, europe, film, film & tv, media, music, production, tv, uk, sport, events