12/19/2024 9:18:59 AM ASA Rulings Summary, 20-27 November 2024 - green turbulence, the Virgin Mary and the ASA's gold standard By Alexia Meade Filip Badina Emma Heron Hannah Potter +1 more... Show less In the last two weeks we have seen the ASA: (i) remind advertisers of the rules surrounding comparative green claims; (ii) rule against...
9/10/2024 8:55:18 AM ASA rulings summary, 28 August – 4 September 2024 – dangerous driving, curious conundrums and crying babies By Hannah Potter Alexia Meade Filip Badina In the past two weeks, we have seen the ASA: (i) remind businesses to be conscious of road safety when using motor vehicles in ads; (ii)...
8/21/2024 11:29:42 AM "Stay on Target" - What all advertisers need to know about targeting on social media By Alex Lowe Your creative team have just worked on a fantastic new campaign and your digital team can't wait to share the assets on social media. Of...
6/27/2024 9:29:50 AM ASA Rulings Summary, June 2024 - Distressing charity ads, dashcams and the "Mynx" effect By Hannah Potter Amneek Thiara This month we see the ASA rule on: (i) misleading claims about the quality of dashcams; (ii) whether poignant charity ads cause harm and...
6/6/2024 8:50:00 AM ASA rulings summary, 22 May - how to navigate ads post-administration; #myownbrand; and violent video games By Hannah Potter Alex Lowe Georgina Doukanaris Petros Nafpliotis Amneek Thiara +2 more... Show less This week we see the ASA: (i) remind businesses to be cautious around claims made which relate to a business before it was taken in to...
5/9/2024 10:28:49 AM ASA rulings summary, 1 May - celebrity appeal, how to avoid overstatement in your copy and staying on the right side of trade information By Alex Lowe Hannah Potter Georgina Doukanaris Amneek Thiara +1 more... Show less In this week's rulings, the ASA (who are always watching) assess the appeal of a former Big Brother presenter to under-18s, admonish an...
5/2/2024 1:55:52 PM ASA rulings summary, 24 April 2024 - teeth whitening, botox and menopause claims By Hannah Potter Alex Lowe Georgina Doukanaris Amneek Thiara +1 more... Show less This week we see the ASA take on the beauty industry by upholding challenges against misleading claims for teeth whitening products and...
4/25/2024 8:34:10 AM ASA rulings summary, 17 April 2024 - no such thing as a free lunch & medical ads Flarin up By Alex Lowe Hannah Potter Petros Nafpliotis Amneek Thiara +1 more... Show less This week the ASA have ruled on two misleading claims, one regarding the provision of “complementary food and drinks” on trains and the...
4/18/2024 8:47:09 AM ASA rulings summary, 10 April - diamond ads must be crystal clear By Georgina Doukanaris Hannah Potter Alex Lowe This week we dive into the ASA’s application of its “average consumer” test through the lens of a recent ruling which concluded that ads...
4/8/2024 1:43:54 PM ASA rulings summary, 27 March & 3 April - pains in the artificial grass, gender stereotypes fails and closing down bank ads By Alex Lowe Georgina Doukanaris Amneek Thiara Instead of focussing on their Easter chocolate, over the last two weeks the ASA have been: (i) taking more action on misleading green...
3/25/2024 12:33:46 PM ASA rulings summary, 20 March - thin models, loot boxes and topless butlers By Georgina Doukanaris Amneek Thiara Petros Nafpliotis Alex Lowe Claire Sng John Wilks Ally Clark +4 more... Show less This week we discuss the ASA's rulings on: unhealthily thin models (including how posing may exacerbate the issue); a reminder on...
3/15/2024 1:08:01 PM ASA rulings summary, 13 March 2024 - getting 'lit'; a dancing cow for old people; and Beast Mode By Alex Lowe Georgina Doukanaris This week we discuss what happens when boozy influencers ‘go rogue’ and what makes a dancing cows and celebrities featured in gambling...
3/11/2024 5:09:20 PM ASA rulings summary, 6 March 2024 - pant posing, #ad reminders and battery strife By Georgina Doukanaris Alex Lowe Petros Nafpliotis This week we discuss: pant posing problems; how you can BPerfect with #ad; and electric charging confusion. BPerfect in following the...
3/1/2024 4:05:43 PM ASA rulings summary, 28 February 2024 - assuaging alcohol, 'rustic' bread and unfair competitions By Georgina Doukanaris Alex Lowe Petros Nafpliotis This week we discuss: irresponsible alcohol claims; how the ASA will assess terms such as ‘artisanal-inspired’ and ‘rustic’; and provide...
2/27/2024 4:37:29 PM ASA rulings summary, 21 February 2024 - Important green claims, ADHD apps, and attention-grabbing OnlyFans ads By Alex Lowe Hannah Potter Anna Chliara Simran Bal Bridie Barton +2 more... Show less This week we discuss a green claim with a thumbs up from the ASA, apps which purport to give an ADHD diagnosis, and a traffic-stopping...