3/20/2023 4:56:03 PM “It will be like rocket fuel”: an insight on equal pay in international women’s football By Benjamin McGlinchey “It will be like rocket fuel”[1] were the stirring words used by Football Association (FA) chairperson Debbie Hewitt following England’s...
8/17/2020 11:30:10 AM The 44th UCLA Entertainment Symposium: #OnInfluencers #notanad #notsponsored By Yue Lin Lee I had the pleasure of attending (remotely) the 44th UCLA Entertainment Symposium last week. Of particular interest was the discussion on...
8/5/2020 9:02:17 AM Esports - no longer the wild wild west? By Yue Lin Lee Esports has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. This steady growth looks set to continue, given the coronavirus pandemic which...
5/12/2020 11:10:06 AM Singapore: Resuming sports (in the digital realm) By Yue Lin Lee During this circuit breaker period in Singapore, many live sports events and arts and culture events have been cancelled or postponed,...
4/20/2020 5:13:35 PM Everything has been cancelled! Wait, no, not everything... By Yue Lin Lee Singapore is currently on Day 14 of the Circuit Breaker which was declared by the government on 7 April 2020 (and yours truly is...
3/10/2020 12:00:00 AM FT Business of Football. Generating revenue – sponsorship, stadiums and brand alliances By Mark Franklin Nick Fitzpatrick The revenue mix in the football economy is more varied than ever, with clubs increasingly reliant on sponsorship, stadium expansion and...
3/21/2019 8:21:38 AM Connecting with audiences in China By Yue Lin Lee With its more than 60,000 movie screens (growing by the day) and its increasingly wealthy middle class, there is lots of potential for...