7/11/2023 4:02:59 PM Sporting brands: About the sport or the athlete? By Claire Sng Grace Pigott A new report published this month from the Women’s Sport Trust shows the positive impact and significant awareness being generated by...
4/26/2023 4:28:28 PM London Book Fair 2023: AI’ll Be Back By Duncan Calow Let’s make one thing clear. This article was not written with the aid of ChatGPT. Although perhaps that is exactly what a truly...
4/12/2023 10:39:23 AM The Internet Is Ruined. The Metaverse Can Still Be Saved | WIRED By Ryan Black I’m delighted to be featured in this WIRED article on the opportunities for virtual worlds to avoid the mistakes of the past, and to be...
3/10/2023 12:00:00 AM Round-up: Navigating the present and future of the gambling sector: Web 3.0 By Ally Clark On 6 February 2023, DLA Piper’s gambling and regulatory lawyers from across Europe united ahead of the #ICE Conference taking place in...
2/27/2023 4:22:46 PM Real World Meets Virtual World: Emergent Metaverse Use Cases and Attendant Legal Considerations By Tom Ara For the second year in a row, our Web3 team has published an insightful and informative article with Chambers and Partners on the Metaverse.
10/13/2022 9:52:41 AM Stand-alone class action against Facebook and Google By Chantal Encavey Hamilton v Meta Platforms, Inc [2022] FCA 681, Cheeseman J There has been quiet but significant progress in the David and Goliath battle...
9/13/2022 12:42:14 PM NFT projects in Germany – legal issues By Christoph Engelmann Nico Brunotte GM. So far, Germany has no uniform and comprehensive legal framework for non-fungible tokens ("NFTs"). However, this does not mean that...
7/11/2022 12:04:00 PM Female sporting stars and the metaverse - unlikely team mates? By Alivia Seaman With a rise in the popularity of women's sport taking place at the same time as a generational shift in technological innovation and...
2/23/2022 3:37:11 PM Exploring the metaverse: What laws will apply? By Tom Ara Mark Radcliffe Michael Fluhr Katherine Imp +1 more... Show less During the last decade, virtual interactions have become an increasingly important part of life for consumers and businesses. This trend...
11/4/2021 3:06:56 PM An unreal issue: managing IP in the metaverse By Anthony Lloyd Jessie Buchan Edmond Lau What is the metaverse and why is it important? The metaverse: the next generation successor to the mobile internet. Made up of shared,...